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The Sinner Unleashed by J.L. Leslie (L.A. Sinners MC Book 2)

The Sinner Unleashed by J.L. Leslie (L.A. Sinners MC Book 2)

The Sinner Unleashed by J.L. Leslie (L.A. Sinners MC Book 2)
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Overview ++Premium VVIP The Sinner Unleashed by J.L. Leslie (L.A. Sinners MC Book 2)

I was the vice president of the Rykers. I put them before everyone, including myself. Devoted my life to the club.
Then the club I’d given everything to be a part of was destroyed
I had to start all over from the bottom, losing the title and respect I once had. I pledged as a prospect to the L.A. Sinners…the very club that annihilated my own.
I have worked my way up, earning my patch. Not the vice president yet, but I have the respect of our president and other members.
But I don’t have her respect.
Mackenzie Salizar claims she ruined me for other women. She has no idea how true that is. No idea what type of man she has unleashed.
She didn’t escape my touch unscathed, although she likes to think so. I ruined her too…and she loved every second of it.
Genre The Sinner Unleashed by J.L. Leslie (L.A. Sinners MC Book 2) Full Ebook Pdf The Sinner Unleashed by J.L. Leslie (L.A. Sinners MC Book 2) Full Ebook Pdf: Romance


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