Shattered Series by Ciana Stone (1-9)
Download Ebook VVIP++ Shattered Series by Ciana Stone (1-9) Torrent / Mediafire/ Putlocker / Tusfile / Apps File: .ePUB reader,2.3 mb 239 kb
Genre Shattered Series by Ciana Stone (1-9) Full Ebook Pdf Shattered Series by Ciana Stone (1-9) Full Ebook Pdf Shattered Series by Ciana Stone (1-9) Full Ebook Pdf Shattered Series by Ciana Stone (1-9) Full Ebook Pdf: Fiction > Romance

1. Reckless - Morgan Windwalker Alexander considered herself to be a most fortunate woman. She loves the ranch where she and her husband, Cord, live and raised their family. She loves her work as a large animal vet and is proud of what Cord has accomplished in his career in Mechatronics.
She couldn't and wouldn't ask for more. As far as she is concerned, at 42, she has it all.
Then Cord gets a call in the middle of the night and from that moment, things start to change. Her once perfect husband, a man who is methodical in all he does, displays a recklessness she finds troubling. Cracks start to appear in her perfect life, revealing lies and betrayals she didn't want to believe were possible.
Can she keep the cracks from multiplying, keep all the pieces intact, or is she fighting a losing battle? Can she patch the wounds in her life or will this reckless path Cord is on shatter their once perfect life completely?
2. Ruthless - Is there a price too high for truth?
Cord Alexander finds that his ruthless pursuit of the truth behind the missing nuclear waste comes with a very high price.
Cord Alexander finds that his ruthless pursuit of the truth behind the missing nuclear waste comes with a very high price. So does the secret he's kept from his wife Morgan about a brief affair he had. It's all crashing in and he's either going to clear his name and save his marriage or... well, let's just say things could go horribly wrong for him.
And while his attention is on all that, Morgan is back home dealing with the government, who thinks Cord has done some pretty terrible things, and trying not to lose her mind over evidence that her husband has been cheating on her. If that were not enough, now she's been romantically pursued by a man she was told a long time ago not to trust, her dog and people she considered family have vanished and she can't get a straight answer about anything from anyone.
She's about at the end of her rope and right now she's not even sure tying a knot in it will help her to hang on.
3. Relentless - A relentless struggle to claim their desire may see them both lose what they want the most
Two men, relentless in their desire to claim her, and one woman who canât be sure she can ever trust either of them.
Morgan feels as if her life was crushed into dust and blew away in the winds of Cordâs betrayal. Heâs gone without a trace, leaving her to deal with the government who now believes him to be a terrorist, a son who doesnât want to believe his father has done anything wrong, and a man who claims to love her.
Sometimes she feels as if everyone is lying to her, trying to make her believe in a false reality. Sometimes sheâs sure of it. You see, thanks to being drugged by Victor, the man who claims to love her, sheâs developing psychic abilities and that brings a whole new level of danger.
But whatâs new? These people live in a relentless struggle to claim what they feel is theirs. The question is, who will win?
4. Darkness - The stakes just got higher, and it looks like loving two men isnât going to workâ" for any of them. Darkness is growing and there may be no way to stop it.
Morgan doesnât know which way to turn or what to do. As crazy as it is, sheâs discovered she actually does love two men. But obviously that wonât work. Not only do they hate one another but theyâll stop at nothing to destroy each other.
Which means she canât fall victim to either of them and their charms. Sheâs going to have to step up and take the lead.
Thatâs a whole lot easier said than done. Keeping Cord from going off the rails is not going to be easy to accomplish. And Victor? She's not sure she could keep him under control even if she could manage such a feat. But at this point it's the only play she has, and she's determined to win this game and set everything right.
Whatever that is.
5. Defenseless - She'd never beg or crawl, never want a man so much she'd be willing to do anything for his touch. Yeah, that's what she said. Until she met Victor.
Morgan's life is as about as upside down and inside out as it can be. She'd always imagined she had a firm grip on reality, but as it turns out she was clueless to the true reality of her life. Hell, she's not even what or who she believed herself to be.
And the people in her life? Well, between her Grandfather who's an Angel, her ex-husband Cord, who apparently is some Ancient Warrior and Victor, a dark angel whose brutal passions turn her into a woman defenseless to his appeal and with a ravenous appetite for pleasure she didn't realize she possessed ⦠let's just say, she's doing well to keep from going off the rails.
She needs to find a way to control this raging desire that claims her every time she's around Victor. Morgan really needs to maintain control, and not just of herself. If she's going to keep Cord and Victor both alive, and survive in the bargain, she's going to have to stay one step ahead of both of them. Which means she's going to need some help.
Lucky for her, she also has friends who are from ⦠well, you'll just have to read and find out where⦠or when, as the case may be.
Let's just hope it's enough to keep them alive so they can realize the truth of who they are.
6. Dauntless - "This wasn't how I imagined the course of my life, loving two men who would gladly kill one another without hesitation. One is a man whose soul houses a spark of light dancing in a sea of darkness and the other, a man whose soul, once of Light, now contains a growing well of. Darkness. Each seeks power over the other and neither is equipped to face the battle we all must soon face. If we all survive this play for power. Sun Tzu teaches that deception is a developed art and the most potent weapon in the game of power. That means my path is one of subterfuge and deception, and will be until I am victorious because in the game we now find ourselves a part, I cannot bend to the will of another. It's up to me to defeat them both, and hope I donât lose them in the process." Morgan Alexander
Join this ongoing tale to find out what happens when people begin to realize their vision of reality has been wrong all along. Nothing is what it seems. Not even themselves.
7. Enlighten- "The Japanese Poet and author Kenji Miyazawa wrote, "we must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey." My, that sounds profound, doesn't it? I find it a bit smug coming from a man who ostensibly suffered no great pain in his life. Still, maybe there's something to his words and since Cord killed Victor I've been willing to grab any lifeline that will help me endure this emptiness. I never imagined this kind of pain. Every day I pray he'll find a way out of Hell, that he'll come back to me. I could bring him back. I have the power. But if he's to be redeemed, he must do it himself. I just don't know how long I can wait. Am I wishing for more than is possible? I pray not. Sometimes it feels as if my sanity is like the sands of an hourglass, steadily slipping away. Embrace your pain? Yeah, talk to me about pain after you've walked in my shoes."â" Morgan Windwalker
Join this ongoing tale to find out what happens when people begin to realize their vision of reality has been wrong all along. Nothing is what it seems. Not even themselves.
8. Entrust - "If I'm guilty of anything, it's arrogance. I received my most fervent wish and Victor returned to me. In an odd way, I actually got all I wished for. My family is all with me. Cord is involved with my half-sister, my daughter Cable is in love with a fine man, my and Cord's son, Trevor is happy with the girl in his life, and Victor now gets to know our son, Arthur.
It would be almost perfect if it were not for the threat that looms over us. Sazare. He's the ruler of our world, and at one time was my mate. Now he wants me back. Only I don't want him. Which brings us back to my sin of arrogance. I was arrogant enough to think I could defeat him on my own. Mistake. I do tend to make them and this one is epic. I'm entrusting Victor and Cord with my life and hope that's not a mistake. If it is, then Sazare wins and all I've done up until now was for nothing." Morgan Windwalker
Join this ongoing tale to find out what happens when people begin to realize their vision of reality has been wrong all along. Nothing is what it seems. Not even themselves.
9. Endure - "What endures? Love. Yes, I've always believed that and still do. Ironically, I'm discovering that madness also has quite the capacity for endurance.
"Those I love have endured a lot, have been awakened to truths they found, at first, to be unbelievable and have faced challenges they never dreamed. Now someone perceived as a foe may be all we can depend upon to face an enemy of unimaginable power and a need for revenge.
"Against me.
Being men of honor and enduring love, Victor and Cord have sworn to protect me with their lives. What they don't realize is our enemy can take me right from under their noses and there's nothing they can do to stop him. But maybe I can. If I can endure this enemy's unending appetite for revenge."
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9. Endure
Download Ebook VVIP++ Shattered Series by Ciana Stone (1-9) Torrent / Mediafire/ Putlocker / Tusfile / Apps File: .ePUB reader,2.3 mb 239 kb
Overview ++Premium VVIP Shattered Series by Ciana Stone (1-9)
Ciana Stone has been reading since the age of three, and wrote her first story at age five. Since then she enjoyed writing as a solitary form of entertainment, before coming out of the closet to share her stories with others. She holds several post graduate degrees and has often been referred to as a professional student.Genre Shattered Series by Ciana Stone (1-9) Full Ebook Pdf Shattered Series by Ciana Stone (1-9) Full Ebook Pdf Shattered Series by Ciana Stone (1-9) Full Ebook Pdf Shattered Series by Ciana Stone (1-9) Full Ebook Pdf: Fiction > Romance
1. Reckless - Morgan Windwalker Alexander considered herself to be a most fortunate woman. She loves the ranch where she and her husband, Cord, live and raised their family. She loves her work as a large animal vet and is proud of what Cord has accomplished in his career in Mechatronics.
She couldn't and wouldn't ask for more. As far as she is concerned, at 42, she has it all.
Then Cord gets a call in the middle of the night and from that moment, things start to change. Her once perfect husband, a man who is methodical in all he does, displays a recklessness she finds troubling. Cracks start to appear in her perfect life, revealing lies and betrayals she didn't want to believe were possible.
Can she keep the cracks from multiplying, keep all the pieces intact, or is she fighting a losing battle? Can she patch the wounds in her life or will this reckless path Cord is on shatter their once perfect life completely?
2. Ruthless - Is there a price too high for truth?
Cord Alexander finds that his ruthless pursuit of the truth behind the missing nuclear waste comes with a very high price.
Cord Alexander finds that his ruthless pursuit of the truth behind the missing nuclear waste comes with a very high price. So does the secret he's kept from his wife Morgan about a brief affair he had. It's all crashing in and he's either going to clear his name and save his marriage or... well, let's just say things could go horribly wrong for him.
And while his attention is on all that, Morgan is back home dealing with the government, who thinks Cord has done some pretty terrible things, and trying not to lose her mind over evidence that her husband has been cheating on her. If that were not enough, now she's been romantically pursued by a man she was told a long time ago not to trust, her dog and people she considered family have vanished and she can't get a straight answer about anything from anyone.
She's about at the end of her rope and right now she's not even sure tying a knot in it will help her to hang on.
3. Relentless - A relentless struggle to claim their desire may see them both lose what they want the most
Two men, relentless in their desire to claim her, and one woman who canât be sure she can ever trust either of them.
Morgan feels as if her life was crushed into dust and blew away in the winds of Cordâs betrayal. Heâs gone without a trace, leaving her to deal with the government who now believes him to be a terrorist, a son who doesnât want to believe his father has done anything wrong, and a man who claims to love her.
Sometimes she feels as if everyone is lying to her, trying to make her believe in a false reality. Sometimes sheâs sure of it. You see, thanks to being drugged by Victor, the man who claims to love her, sheâs developing psychic abilities and that brings a whole new level of danger.
But whatâs new? These people live in a relentless struggle to claim what they feel is theirs. The question is, who will win?
4. Darkness - The stakes just got higher, and it looks like loving two men isnât going to workâ" for any of them. Darkness is growing and there may be no way to stop it.
Morgan doesnât know which way to turn or what to do. As crazy as it is, sheâs discovered she actually does love two men. But obviously that wonât work. Not only do they hate one another but theyâll stop at nothing to destroy each other.
Which means she canât fall victim to either of them and their charms. Sheâs going to have to step up and take the lead.
Thatâs a whole lot easier said than done. Keeping Cord from going off the rails is not going to be easy to accomplish. And Victor? She's not sure she could keep him under control even if she could manage such a feat. But at this point it's the only play she has, and she's determined to win this game and set everything right.
Whatever that is.
5. Defenseless - She'd never beg or crawl, never want a man so much she'd be willing to do anything for his touch. Yeah, that's what she said. Until she met Victor.
Morgan's life is as about as upside down and inside out as it can be. She'd always imagined she had a firm grip on reality, but as it turns out she was clueless to the true reality of her life. Hell, she's not even what or who she believed herself to be.
And the people in her life? Well, between her Grandfather who's an Angel, her ex-husband Cord, who apparently is some Ancient Warrior and Victor, a dark angel whose brutal passions turn her into a woman defenseless to his appeal and with a ravenous appetite for pleasure she didn't realize she possessed ⦠let's just say, she's doing well to keep from going off the rails.
She needs to find a way to control this raging desire that claims her every time she's around Victor. Morgan really needs to maintain control, and not just of herself. If she's going to keep Cord and Victor both alive, and survive in the bargain, she's going to have to stay one step ahead of both of them. Which means she's going to need some help.
Lucky for her, she also has friends who are from ⦠well, you'll just have to read and find out where⦠or when, as the case may be.
Let's just hope it's enough to keep them alive so they can realize the truth of who they are.
6. Dauntless - "This wasn't how I imagined the course of my life, loving two men who would gladly kill one another without hesitation. One is a man whose soul houses a spark of light dancing in a sea of darkness and the other, a man whose soul, once of Light, now contains a growing well of. Darkness. Each seeks power over the other and neither is equipped to face the battle we all must soon face. If we all survive this play for power. Sun Tzu teaches that deception is a developed art and the most potent weapon in the game of power. That means my path is one of subterfuge and deception, and will be until I am victorious because in the game we now find ourselves a part, I cannot bend to the will of another. It's up to me to defeat them both, and hope I donât lose them in the process." Morgan Alexander
Join this ongoing tale to find out what happens when people begin to realize their vision of reality has been wrong all along. Nothing is what it seems. Not even themselves.
7. Enlighten- "The Japanese Poet and author Kenji Miyazawa wrote, "we must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey." My, that sounds profound, doesn't it? I find it a bit smug coming from a man who ostensibly suffered no great pain in his life. Still, maybe there's something to his words and since Cord killed Victor I've been willing to grab any lifeline that will help me endure this emptiness. I never imagined this kind of pain. Every day I pray he'll find a way out of Hell, that he'll come back to me. I could bring him back. I have the power. But if he's to be redeemed, he must do it himself. I just don't know how long I can wait. Am I wishing for more than is possible? I pray not. Sometimes it feels as if my sanity is like the sands of an hourglass, steadily slipping away. Embrace your pain? Yeah, talk to me about pain after you've walked in my shoes."â" Morgan Windwalker
Join this ongoing tale to find out what happens when people begin to realize their vision of reality has been wrong all along. Nothing is what it seems. Not even themselves.
8. Entrust - "If I'm guilty of anything, it's arrogance. I received my most fervent wish and Victor returned to me. In an odd way, I actually got all I wished for. My family is all with me. Cord is involved with my half-sister, my daughter Cable is in love with a fine man, my and Cord's son, Trevor is happy with the girl in his life, and Victor now gets to know our son, Arthur.
It would be almost perfect if it were not for the threat that looms over us. Sazare. He's the ruler of our world, and at one time was my mate. Now he wants me back. Only I don't want him. Which brings us back to my sin of arrogance. I was arrogant enough to think I could defeat him on my own. Mistake. I do tend to make them and this one is epic. I'm entrusting Victor and Cord with my life and hope that's not a mistake. If it is, then Sazare wins and all I've done up until now was for nothing." Morgan Windwalker
Join this ongoing tale to find out what happens when people begin to realize their vision of reality has been wrong all along. Nothing is what it seems. Not even themselves.
9. Endure - "What endures? Love. Yes, I've always believed that and still do. Ironically, I'm discovering that madness also has quite the capacity for endurance.
"Those I love have endured a lot, have been awakened to truths they found, at first, to be unbelievable and have faced challenges they never dreamed. Now someone perceived as a foe may be all we can depend upon to face an enemy of unimaginable power and a need for revenge.
"Against me.
Being men of honor and enduring love, Victor and Cord have sworn to protect me with their lives. What they don't realize is our enemy can take me right from under their noses and there's nothing they can do to stop him. But maybe I can. If I can endure this enemy's unending appetite for revenge."
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9. Endure
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